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Changelog 7th November 2016

🆕 New - Statement of Account. You can now print or email a patient their statement of account. This contains a list of their payments and invoices and shows if they're in credit or debit.

🆕 New - You can now download the takings report as a PDF.

🌟 Improved - Appointment confirmations and reminders are now sent periodically throughout the day, rather than being sent at just 10am.

🌟 Improved - We have improved the validation of your NHS credentials which should make it easier for you to spot mistakes when entering your details.

🌟 Improved - Popup notes have seen a number of different improvements. Notes now show the date they were last updated on the front of them. If you'd like to see the date they were created, simply hover next to the updated time or flip the card over. In addition you can now pin a note without flipped the note over. Finally we've introduced a new red coloured note for things that really important.

🌟 Improved - Printing an appointment card now brings up the print menu in Chrome by default.

🌟 Improved - Hovering over a patient's age now shows you their date of birth.

🌟 Improved - We now support ZIP files and Microsoft Word docs as attachments received from patients.

🌟 Improved - When printing day lists, if you select the Legacy ID option and the patient doesn't have a legacy ID then we'll display their Dentally ID instead.

🌟 Improved - The Open Treatment Plans with No Outstanding Treatment Report, Open Treatment Plans with Unbooked Appointments Report and Open Treatment Plans with Unfinished Treatment Report will now only show you treatment plans for active patients.

🌟 Improved - The new patients report now only shows your active payment plans.

🐛 Fixed - Practitioner dropdown boxes are now a fixed length meaning that they stay in the correct position if a practitioner has a really long name.

🐛 Fixed - When creating a letter by right clicking on a patient's appointment, the dropdown would get in the way. Now the dropdown only opens when clicked.

🐛 Fixed - A pesky bug where a six pocket reading with a score of 0 would be displayed as -

🐛 Fixed - Exporting the patient's report would export all of your patients, regardless of the option you'd selected. We've firmly told it to only export the list of patient's that you want.

🐛 Fixed - If a patient FTA'd an appointment, the practitioner would get a notification saying that the patient cancelled. We've improved the wording on the notification so it's now clear as to what actually happened.

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