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Dentist Portal

Practice Management

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Saving time with Portal Task Reminders

Want to take your practice efficiency to the next level? Consider Dentally Portal’s Task Reminders as the solution you've been searching for! 

If you've ever found the process of collecting signed forms to be a bit of a time-eater, or if you'd like to help us save the planet and cut down on paper waste, Dentally Portals Task Reminders can help you boost your uptake of digital forms by over 50%!  

Dentally Portal - Online Appointment Booking (1)

So, what's the scoop on Task Reminders and how can they make your life easier? Let’s break it down… 

The magic of personalisation

No more sending the same appointment reminder link to everyone and simply hoping for the best. Task reminders are smart, they will only send to your patients if they have forms to complete. 

Plus, the links in the Task Reminders are tailor-made for each patient, meaning no more logging in. Patients can instead effortlessly access and submit their forms through their own secure, unique link, simplifying the process and improving your patient experience.  

Dentally portal

Track and monitor your success

You can now track your patients form completions right back to your Dentally Portal Manage App. This means you can see how well your patients are engaging with the system you have set up allowing you to make tweaks and try new things to hit your own goals.  

A better patient experience 

Turning on your Task Reminders is a piece of cake. With just the flip of a switch you can offer your patients the best possible experience. Patients can be prompted to sign their forms at the right time, for the best uptake. Here's how to do it… 

  • Head over to the Portal manage app and use your Dentally login credentials. 
  • Head over to Patient Notifications' section and Find 'Task reminders'.
  • Click 'Settings' and then switch them on using the toggle!

Easy as One, Two, Three! 

Turning on task reminder

We've got a pro-tip for you: Double check the reminders you are sending from Dentally itself to avoid sending multiple messages to your patients when no forms are due! You can use our recommended settings highlighted in our help centre here.

In an industry where time is of the essence and ease of use are a must, Task Reminders can be your secret weapon. They make your practice more efficient and your patients happier – it's a win-win. 

Get in touch with Ellie and our support team via Live Chat in Dentally if you need help enabling your Task Reminders. 

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