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Patient Portal

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Build better relationships with your patient communication

Communication is at the heart of any business; from how your staff work collaboratively together to how you stay connected with your customers.

The importance of patient communication to keep your dental practice running smoothly is paramount and in recent times this has heightened as practitioners continue to deal with a ongoing backlog of patients, disrupted recalls, reducing FTAs and ensuring patients continue to prioritise their oral health amidst the rising costs of living and interest rates.

Cloud enabled practice management software, Dentally, can help ease the burden of admin that can be created from your patient communication needs and help you take a more agile and flexible approach as you deal with the everyday realities of practice life.

Positive impact on your practice

Communication has a huge influence on many aspects of how your business operates - so it is worth taking a look at how you keep in touch with your patients to ensure you are having a positive impact on:

  • Recalls effectiveness

  • Timely reminders and confirmations

  • patientPayments

  • Saving your team time by automating key parts of your patient communications

  • Reducing your FTAs

  • Keeping your appointment book filled

  • Completing unfinished treatment plans

  • Creating and retaining confidence and loyalty from your patient base

Stay connected and visible

Patient communication also needs to be visible to all of your practice staff, so that you can see a history of who has received what message and when, as is the need for two-way communication - being able to see what your patients are saying is of course essential. Dentally offers you two-way communication direct from the patient record, which you can send one to one or you can easily set up bulk messaging when needed via SMS or email.

Dentally cloud enabled practice management software is all about making your life easier, so our communication tools ensure that the right person, gets the relevant message in a timely manner and uses the patient’s preferred method of contact.

Correspondence templates ensure consistent branding for your practice and the right type of information - you can also use our automated communication feature at a level you are comfortable with to save your reception team valuable time.

And importantly, to see what communication your patient has received - just check out their correspondence tab in Dentally.

Busy daily life

At Dentally we recommend you use a combined approach to your patient communication, so you can optimise your interactions - keeping them informed at every stage and ensuring that your messages are getting through despite the patient’s busy daily life. This will not only have a positive impact on your practice appointment book, but will create confidence and develop loyalty.

Our software helps your team take care of patient communications, so that your reception team are not constantly tied up on the phone (for example; undertaking appointment reminders) or working on emails or SMS. They can be more present when your patient arrives at the practice - after all first impressions do count. So, give your team the time they need to make your patients feel valued when they arrive, to put them at ease and more - all those customer service elements we all take for granted.

Dentally not only makes these tasks effortless for your team, but it ensures your patients receive the best possible care at every touch point with your practice.

Review your communication 

If you would like to review your patient communications and look at where you can optimise time, save money, reduce your FTA and save valuable resources - then book a call with us today and take a closer look at Dentally, the future in practice.

Discover how Dentally can help your practice

Arrange a demo with our team today and see if Dentally is a match for you and your practice.
An open laptop with teeth charting in Dentally, the dental software, on the screen.

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