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Say hello to our new banner

​​At Dentally, we are dedicated to making changes to improve your experience with our software.  Over the coming weeks, we are continuing to review and improve the usability of the software and make it accessible for all. 

Part of this, includes a new banner. We'll be turning this on for practices over the next couple of weeks. Here are the changes you can expect to see: 

New colours and a clearer definition
  • Patient search relocated
  • Clearer notification area
  • Expanded menu option

Patient Search 

The most notable change is likely to be a relocated patient search area. We've made this more accessible and more intuitive to find. The patient's search results no longer cover other important information you may need to see on screen.

A Clearer Notifications area

Expanded menu option

If you'd prefer our menu options on the left to stay expanded, so you know more easily what each option does, you can now use the menu button at the top left to leave this bar expanded.


Dentally offers many ways to streamline your practice workflows and automatically updates, so you don't have to lift a finger. Take a look at our website to find out more at or talk to our support team at now.

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An open laptop with teeth charting in Dentally, the dental software, on the screen.

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