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Advent countdown...

We know you don't need an Advent calendar to know that Christmas is coming, but we thought we would use this tradition to look back at the last 12 months at Dentally and revisit some of the highlights and product developments we have made.  

Dentally Advent

  1. On the first day of our festive countdown, we look back at January 2019 with a great interview from one of our valued customers, Dr Mayank Morar, principal at True Dentistry in Bolton.  It’s a really interesting read here.
  2. It’s the second day and time to answer your questions.  This informative interview with our co-founders Nick and James, talks about how cloud based technology brings important benefits to dental practice management software.  If you missed it, take a look here.
  3. On the third day of our special Advent countdown, we look back at our appointment reminders update for SMS, email and letters for patients with more than one appointment in a day.  The first of our time saving product developments of 2019. Learn more
  4. Do you use the iPad app?  Well on the fourth day of our Advent, we take a look at just some of the new functionality that we have added to the iPad app this year.  To learn more talk to our team or read more.
  5. It’s day five!  Over the past year our talented team has grown to 18, and is still growing!  Just this past month we have been joined by Rayna and Paul in our support team.  You can still get to know the team by reading our ‘Meet the team’ series on our blog and look out for more new faces in 2020.
  6. Today in our Advent calendar,  we look back to Spring 2019 when we introduced new reports to Dentally to deliver effortless real time answers fast.  Learn about some of the reports we added here and also this page.
  7. Remember when we ran Tip of the week? This is where each week our team provided a time-saving function or trick, to help our customers get the best out of the system.  If you missed it you can find them on our blog - so take a look at our Tip of the Week series on our blog today.
  8. On the eighth day of December, why not get ahead of the game...New Year, Fresh Start! Overhaul your correspondence templates and get some fresh new letter, email and SMS templates set up.  A great opportunity to cut down on old templates and have a sift through to find the ones you wish to keep.
  9. Building what you need for NHS Scotland has been a key area for the Dentally team in 2019 - we remain committed to providing our Scottish customers with software that allows them to manage their practice smoothly.  Find out more here.
  10. It’s our daily Advent calendar as we revisit yet another new feature from Dentally - back in April we made it easier to save notes!  You can find out more about what we did on our product update.
  11. On the eleventh day of our festive review we look at Charting Success - we continue to review how charting works and this is just some of the things we changed in 2019 following feedback from our customers. Take a look.
  12.  We were delighted to announce a new seamless new lead experience with DenGro and Dentally in April, as a new integration.  It’s a great online lead management tool created specifically for the dental profession. Learn more here.
  13. As we open today’s Advent we look back at Flexible recalls - just one of the time saving functions we introduced this year to Dentally.  Read more.
  14. It’s just ten days until Christmas Eve!  2019 was a busy year for exhibitions for the Dentally team.  Events attended included MiSmile Conference, Scottish Dental Show, British Dental Conference and Dentistry Show, London Dentistry Show and the BDIA Dental Showcase.  We are already looking forward to the 2020 shows - look forward to seeing you there. Follow us on social media or read our blog to check our diary!
  15. On the fifteenth day of our special review of the year, we look back at the exciting introduction of Waiting Lists.  Learn more here.
  16. We really value our customers feedback, and so recommendations like this one from Dr Krishan Patel really mean the world to our team.  You can read it today as part of our countdown to Christmas.
  17. It’s day seventeen of the Dentally Advent calendar and today we look at our introduction of Basic Erosive Wear Examinations (BEWE), just one of the innovations we added to Dentally.  Learn more here.
  18. The changelog each month is a great way of keeping all our customers up to date with our latest product developments and new features.  You can find the changelog at the beginning of each month here. Don’t forget to check out the latest one for November - it’s packed with new product innovations!
  19. Wow just six days to go of our Advent Calendar.  We are often asked about the choice of IT tools and the differences between cloud and traditional server hosted patient management software.  This is just one of the articles on our blog that can help you learn more.
  20. Dentally can be integrated with a number of platforms to make your life easier and to allow you to create an end-to-end clinical and practice workflow.   You can learn more about our integrations on our website.
  21. Day 21 of our Advent Calendar and we wanted to touch appointment booking, which allows your patients to book 24/7 - what a great feature to introduce to your practice!  Find out more and see how Dr Mide Ojo from Refresh Dental uses this feature at his practice. 
  22. In 2020 the work that we have undertaken this year to integrate with e-Ortho in Scotland will also benefit other practices nationwide who offer orthodontic treatment to their patients.  Interested?... then click here.
  23. And as we edge closer to Christmas, we also can’t wait to introduce our new message capability: Chat.  It is currently in Beta test and will be available soon - and we’ve now just added in emojis! You can chat easily with your team.  More info.
  24. Christmas we open the final day of our Dentally Advent Calendar, we wanted to remind you of our response to the State of Dentistry report that we commissioned.  We have promised yet more innovation to help make dentists lives easier. To read it in more detail click here.

    We have lots of exciting plans for 2020 and can’t wait to share them with you!  Enjoy the festive holidays.

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An open laptop with teeth charting in Dentally, the dental software, on the screen.

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