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Changelog 20th May 2016

May has been our busiest month ever with a huge number of new features, improvements and bug fixes coming to Dentally.

New - If you're adding a new patient to Dentally that already exists, we'll now let you know that they're already in the system.

New - A new patient's default recall interval will now be set depending on what payment plan they're on.

New - If you don't like your teeth to appear as Palmer notation, you now have the option to use either the European or American systems instead.

New - International SMS. You can now send text messages to those in other countries.

New - To help us continue on our path of World dental software domination, we can now invoice you in US dollars or Euros if you'd prefer.

New - We've built a tool that allows us to bulk update all of your fees by a given percentage. Just let us know if you'd like to do so.

New - You can now see the Dentally system status at the bottom of the navigation bar within Dentally.

New - If an appointment is booked, cancelled or changed at very short notice the practitioner will get notification. Unfortunately this means you won't have to play spot the difference with the calendar any more.

New - We've added a new base chart category for your treatment which will automatically switch you over to the base chart when selected.

New - Option to print the patient's legacy ID on the day lists.

New - You can now set a patient's recall dates when completing a treatment plan - no more excuses for not recalling your patient's now.

Improved - We've spent a lot of time optimising Dentally so it runs quicker than ever before.

Improved - You now get a warning message if you try and book an appointment with a practitioner that isn't the patient's regular dentist or hygienist

Improved - When booking an appointment, you now have an option to set the duration of the appointment to the default duration set by the patient's payment plan

Improved - When adding a new patient, you'll now get a handy warning if you haven't added any contact details for the patient.

Improved - Bulk contacting patients from the calendar can now be done so by SMS as well as letter.

Improved - When opening a patient's record, you'll now only go to the patient's chart if you're an active practitioner. This is useful for those coming from legacy systems that liked for all users to be practitioners!

Improved - You can now edit the description of a document once it's been uploaded.

Improved - Patients contact details now appear on the export of the treatment reports. Handy if you want to, you know, contact your patients.

Improved - Popup notes now include the date they were created.

Improved - You can now filter the patients report by dentist and payment plan as well as sort by any column you'd like!

Improved - The chart notes editor now allows you to create various levels of heading, should you wish to.

Improved - Default base chart option to No when creating new treatments.

Improved - When viewing a patient's NHS claims, you can now see which contact they were submitted under.

Improved - When adding a patient's date of birth, we now automatically fill in the forward slashes for you - saved you a click!

Improved - We now automatically capitalise the patient's name, address and postcode for you. Saved you another click!

Fixed - Previously you couldn't use an & in appointment notes without it turning into an &, now you can use as many ampersands as you like &&&&&&&&&&.

Fixed - A change to the medical histories meant that if you had very long notes, they would overlap and become unreadable. The now no-longer do so!

Fixed - We've fixed the scoring system for the plaque and bleeding exams so that it only counts each missing tooth once.

Fixed - We've corrected a small issue with the way DMF values are calculated for NHS claims as the NHS aren't very good at conveying what they actually mean - who knew?!

Fixed - The pagination on the patients correspondence page. I bet you didn't even realise there was a page 2!

Fixed - Adding a new line to the medical history notes now does exactly that.

Fixed - If you re-assign an appointment to a different patient any recalls associated with the appointment will now be correctly updated - though it's still not a good idea to do this in the first place as the cancelled appointment won't show up in the patient's history

Fixed - For those with monitors from the 90's, the appointment search results is now scrollable if the list is too long for your screen.

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An open laptop with teeth charting in Dentally, the dental software, on the screen.

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