Here are the topics on the Dentally Blog, check them our for all of our posts in each.
Running your dental practice
Practice Management - Bites of information about running your dental practice
Analytics - Posts on using data to improve your practice
Marketing - About dental practice marketing or just some friendly general marketing tips
Communication - Anything to do with corresponding with your patients
Private Practice & NHS - Details about running your private or NHS practice
Using software
Cloud - General info about cloud computing
Product Updates - Posts about updates directly related to Dentally
Changelog - Regular updates on every change we make to Dentally
Integrations - Tips and tricks on how to link Dentally to other apps and some of the great time saving benefits
Other stuff!
Company News - General soundbites about life in Dentally HQ
Friday Feeling - Fun posts nothing to do with dentistry, mostly!!
Video - Posts with videos or generally about video