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Private Practice


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The Waiting Room

At Dentally we understand how important it is that practitioners know when patients have arrived so that every moment in the surgery is fully utilised. 

waiting roomDentally automatically  lets practitioners know that their patient has arrived and is in the waiting room, when reception marks a patient as “Arrived”.

Waiting times

The waiting room will show you the following:

  • which practitioner the patient is visiting

  • when their appointment is

  • how long ago they arrived

  • the appointment reason

Appointment grouping & colour coding

Appointments in the Waiting room are grouped showing whoever is logged in to the computer’s patients first, followed by those for other practitioners in your Practice. This way you can always concentrate on your own lists, but be aware if there are any issues in the Practice.  

You can see by the colours of the appointments whether patients are on time or late helping you to keep track of time and talk to patients about the importance of them keeping to time.

Learn more about our Reception tools on our website today.  Simply click here.

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