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The 3 peaks challenge

This post is part of our Friday Feeling series. A different take on life from someone at Dentally each week-ish (we're not all about Dental Software!). This week our lead account manager, Adam, tells us all about the 3 peak challenge that he just completed.

So the time had come to climb the biggest mountains England, Scotland and Wales could offer.

We had put in plenty of training walks and now was the time.

It seemed like a long time ago when 3 of us did a charity night walk and came up with this idea.

When we arranged to do this over bank holiday weekend I didn’t expect Sheffield Wednesday to make it to the playoff final which meant I missed a trip to Wembley but we lost so that kind of made it better.

So Friday came so we left Sheffield at 10am and picked Sam Clarke up in Leeds and headed up to Fort William. We were all in good voice which was good as it took us 8 hours to get to our hostel.

With Ben Nevis being the biggest mountain in the UK it was logical to do this one first. So down to the walk, We left at 6.30am as we knew the mountain would get busy and we could never see the summit due to low lying clouds. After 4 hours we made it to the top and had a snowball fight. The 3 hours it took us to get down really hit home that going down was harder than going up. The pounding on your ankles and knees was intense.
So after 7 hours all 10 of us had conquered Ben Nevis and we celebrated by putting our swollen body parts in the very cold stream in front of our hostel.

Now the 5 hour drive to Scafell Pike. During this drive I managed to watch the Sheffield Wednesday game on Sky go so it wasn’t all bad.

The following morning we set off walking around 8. We were always told this one was going to be the hardest as the paths were not really paths. This unfortunately was true and at one point we were on our hands and knees in what can only be described as rock climbing. Coming down we realised we went on the hard path but again all 10 of us made it.

Now off to Snowdon. What we did not realise was the hostel was in the middle of nowhere so when we arrived the kitchen was closed and with it being bank holiday we could not get in anywhere for food. So we had to go to emergency rations, A good old Pot Noodle or 2 Pot nooddle’s if your Sam.

Climbing Snowdon was the easiest of the all, not because of the size just because we all knew this was the last one, We all had big smiles on our faces, There was no way we were not going to do this now.

Once we got back down we had a well deserved pint and then to really top off the weekend we had an amazing lake next to our hostel where we all went for a swim.

So in short
22 hours of Driving
16 hours of Walking
14 hours of sleeping
And 7 hours of drinking when we finished it.

A massive thank you to everyone who supported us and donated some money.

Dentally sponsored us a huge amount of money as well as the guys giving us individual amounts as well and all this means that as I write this we have raised an incredible £6376 for local charities. We have promises of £300 as well so we will pass the £6500 which for 10 guys walking up 3 mountains is mind blowing.

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