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* Read me - Tags and other guidelines

Tag articles with the following tags please. Use as many as is relevant.

Practice Analytics - reports, analytics, stats etc.

Integrations - Anything that integrates with Dentally.

Marketing - Dental practice marketing.

Practice Management - Business development, tips etc.

Communication - Correspondence with patients/practices.

Cloud - Cloud computing

Product - Dentally updates

NHS - Anything to do with NHS

Private Practice - Anything to do with PP.

Culture - Tastes of Dentally life.

Video - Anything with a video or to do with video (How to's etc.)

General tips:

1.Front load title tags.
Google puts more weight on words at the beginning of a title tag.
2. SEO friendly URL’s
Google uses it as a clue for the topic of the page.
3. Multimedia in Posts
Images, screenies, videos etc.
4. Outbound links
Google doesn’t like when you’re isolationist, 2 outbound links to
5. Keyword prominence
The earlier ‘dental software’ appears, the more important google thinks it is. It should appear in the first 50/100 words
6. Add internal links
Link back to support pages/helpful pages from Dentally. This can help slash bounce rate.
7. Latent Semantic Indexing
This means that we should use keywords commonly found alongside our target keyword ‘dental software’. When google sees these words around our target keyword, it gives the spiders confidence that we’re writing quality stuff.
Words that should be used:
‘Dental software free’ ‘Dental software packages’ Dental software reviews’
Dental software for mac’

Resources for photographs:

Bacon ipsum dolor amet chuck chicken kevin, salami beef ribs tail capicola ham hock sirloin shank picanha jerky drumstick beef. Doner corned beef flank hamburger cow rump pork ham hock frankfurter leberkas t-bone drumstick tri-tip bacon. Landjaeger flank kielbasa, pastrami salami pork boudin fatback. Meatloaf jowl pork loin brisket, strip steak capicola frankfurter flank pork chop sirloin filet mignon meatball short loin. Prosciutto swine pork loin strip steak corned beef leberkas bacon shankle meatball landjaeger porchetta meatloaf. Capicola short ribs kevin leberkas hamburger. Corned beef drumstick ground round flank shoulder leberkas.

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An open laptop with teeth charting in Dentally, the dental software, on the screen.

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