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Summer School: Patient Report

Summer School

Back to basics returns for a third week as we enjoy the Summer, and this time we are talking about reporting. 

Reporting is a core element of Dentally and you will have seen in recent weeks we have introduced a number of new features to our reporting tools - so you get valuable data into all aspects of the practice fast!

We are going to look at one report in particular this week and that’s the Patient Report.  Did you know that this report allows you filter by so many variables it will give you the most amazing insights?  It can be completely customisable to allow you to create and run a report for every piece of data you hold on a patient record because of the number of filters available for you to configure the information you would like to see.  Learn more here.

Here are just a few examples of how you could use the patient report:

  • Active patients registered with a particular practitioner within the practice.
  • Patients who visited the practice within a date range.
  • Lapsed patients with no future appointments.
  • Multiple options of the same filter allow you to add in secondary data such as last appointment after a certain date, but before another date.
  • Identify people who have had a certain treatment (for example; whitening) in a period,  who you can then follow up on.
  • Generate a list of new patients in a date range, indicating how they found you.
  • Create a list of patients in a postcode catchment area to specifically target.

The permutations of data you can use to target a specific set of patients are almost endless, but it gets better. Once you have found your list of patients, what would you like to do with that information?

  • You can choose which elements of data you see about those patients, then export to a csv file.
  • If you wish to contact these patients, you can easily then create a bulk message to be sent by letter, email or SMS.
  • By setting the Marketing field option as ‘Yes’ you can filter the segment to only list patients who have given their marketing consent, which is helpful for GDPR purposes when you want to send out Marketing emails and contact only the patients who you have given their consent. 

You can also save your report filters for future use, by saving it as a report segment - making it quick and easy to re-run the same configuration again.

To learn more about this report or any other element of Dentally then talk to our team today, 

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