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Summer School: Let's Tidy Up

As we end this week and head into the long August Bank Holiday Weekend, we bring our Summer School to a close.  As you travel home from Summer Holidays, and your team gets back up to its full contingent, patient appointments increase and things get back to usual - it is always a good time to have a refresh and think about some tidying up! 

So this week we get back to basics and are talking ‘house-keeping’ within Dentally.Summer School

Dentally is completely customisable, and it doesn’t just finish with customised templates when you first join Dentally.  We know how things change, you might change your marketing branding, employ new team members, expand your treatment offerings or just want to freshen up your patient communication.  

It maybe that you have a number of stored templates for SMS, letter or email correspondence that are no longer needed - so why not review what you say, delete the old unused templates and freshen up or add some new ones.  It is not a matter of storage - as everything is cloud-based, but it does make things cleaner and more straight-forward for your staff and for new ones that may be joining your team.

It is also worth taking a look at your treatment lists, are there elements you no longer offer or new treatments that need to be added.  

Whatever, your motives it is definitely worth logging into your settings and having a tidy up.

If you would like to learn more then why not take a look here. 

If there have been topics or things that we have missed this Summer, that you would be keen to learn more about  then please do email us your suggestions or visit our support section here.


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