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Summer School: Housekeeping

As we’ve seen over the last two blogs it is so important to the smooth running of Dentally, and of your practice, that your data is correct. Over the summer might be a great time for you to prioritise getting your data sorted and all your processes and systems running smoothly.

What difference does great data make?

1.  For recalls, if the patient contact data and preference data is incorrect, patients will receive recalls in a timely manner

2.  If contact details are correct, patients will receive appointment reminders and online medical questionnaires

3.  If patient personal details are correct, patients will be able to  use the patient portal and be able to take control of their own oral health journey

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How can Dentally help with your housekeeping checks?

Sorting out your patient data isn’t the only job you can undertake this summer to get yourself ready for the busy periods. Take time this summer to check whether you’ve been paid properly for the work you’ve completed, or continue the best care planning for your patients. 

Here are five ideas to help you get started.

1.  Run the Patients report and find patients without either a mobile number or an email and pop a non-clinical note on their record to remind staff to check the contact details on their next visit

2.  Run the Patients report to find patients who owe money and send them correspondence offering staged payments, or just remind them to pay. You can do this using templates to save you time.

3.  Run the NHS Claims report, and find out which claims are in error, or in danger of running out of time, so that you can be paid for the work you’ve completed. 

4.  Run the Completed but not closed report to find treatment plans that you have done the work on but not yet closed. Close these treatment plans and check that you’ve had all your payments.

5.  Run the Unbooked Treatment report to find those patients with treatment planned but not future appointments to continue your patient’s oral health care.

Running a few small housekeeping tasks will help to manage your business better and keep the patients and money flowing through the practice.

To find out more about how Dentally can support you, talk to us at

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