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Say hello to Jamie

Our team is growing, and we thought it would be great to introduce to some of our new members.  Please meet Jamie...

Screenshot 2021-02-03 at 09.38.01Full Name:  Jamie Berke

Role:  Senior Software Engineer

Preferred Name: Jamie or Jay

Tea or Coffee: Coffee

Jamie is an experienced senior software engineer who is part of the team responsible for our Patient Portal and Online Appointment Booking features.  When he is not developing software, he can normally be found entertaining his young daughter or at the gym  - whilst checking out his latest Apple gadget!

Let’s chat…

If you had to describe yourself in three words which would you use?

1.  Patient

2. Calm

3. Meticulous

What is the best advice you have ever received?

If things don't work out or are going against you - carry on!   Good things come to those with positive minds.

Who are your dream dinner party guests?

I am not a fan at all, but I think that Donald Trump would be a rather entertaining dinner guest!  I would also love to meet David Attenborough.

What would we find you doing outside of Dentally?

At the gym or enjoying time with friends and family.

What is your claim to fame?

As sad as it sounds....I don't think I have one - yet!

The best things in life

...sweet and edible. I have a bit of a sweet tooth!

I would never be seen without....

My phone or Apple watch.

Tell us a random fact

The google codebase is maintained with two billion lines of code.

If you have a question for Jamie or would like to know more about Dentally, simply email us

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An open laptop with teeth charting in Dentally, the dental software, on the screen.

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