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Responsive support

It is rare to encounter any business where software isn't part of their day to day workflow or operation - and with software, any form of software,  there is an element of support. But what that means can vary hugely.

We all need a little help

The word ‘support’ can mean and be interpreted in a number of different ways, and even the most tech-savvy and independent of us - all need a little help sometimes!Support

Software support can be delivered in a number of ways but ultimately if you are reaching out to support you have questions, that require answers and / or a resolution quickly and not sometime in five days time!  There is nothing worse than calling a faceless call centre and being put on hold with music that clearly sounds terrible pre-recorded for hours on end or receiving an email two days later when actually you needed help within minutes.  You also want to feel like the most important person to the software supplier at that point in time and so often with support it is an area where cost cuts are made and details missed by an impersonal touch.  

Healthy support 

Support you can count on provides a healthy environment for your dental practice to thrive, as it would with any business.  So when choosing a software supplier, the level of support that is offered is an essential consideration factor in that buying decision so you have peace of mind that you’re in it together and not alone moving forward.

Heathwood User Story

At Dentally investment in support is a priority - and we aren’t just saying that!  Our customers agree - Dr Vishal Kumar from Heathwood Dental Practice explains why Dentally works for them and what he thinks of the support offered.   Watch his story here.

Over the last 12 months as Dentally has grown in terms of customers, the number of members in our Customer Success team have tripled to ensure that we can advise our customers in the best possible way and optimise customer success.  Our dedicated team (meet them here) are always on hand to help out, offering unrivalled levels of support to our customers.

Answering your queries

Responsive support is what we do, whether we are looking after new or existing customers, large or small dental practices.  Customers can call us or send us a message within the Dentally software, and one of our Customer Success team will be on hand to answer queries quickly - they all know Dentally inside and out, so they have the knowledge and tools to help customers get the best out of the software and answer their queries.

We’ve recently developed a new and improved online support area, so that customers can take a look at easily understandable step by step guides to every aspect of Dentally.  Take a look for yourself here:

If you would like to speak to our fully remote based customer success team or would like more information about the responsive support we provide, simply email us

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An open laptop with teeth charting in Dentally, the dental software, on the screen.

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