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Reporting Update...

Real time data to provide valuable insights into all aspects of your dental practice is a core feature of Dentally, and we have just introduced a number of new features to our reporting - so you get answers even faster!

So what have we developed?  Firstly to optimise your time we have developed favourites.  This new feature allows you to ‘star’ your favourite reports, so they then appear at the top of the reports page. This can be done by each user, so it is more specific to the individual’s role in the practice and enables reports to be quickly located without the need for scrolling.

Favourite reports

We have also looked at the visual presentation of reports.  This has included a number of small changes that we feel make a big difference to the user.  Importantly all of our reports will now have a similar overall feel - so once you know how to run one report you can run them all!

We have added some new icons to reports including:

padlock = a permission based report - this is not available to all types of users

empty star = not a favourite report

full star = a favourite report

There are also now helpful ‘tool tips’ in the reports, if you hover over the tip it will explain exactly what data is used in any particular field/column to ensure you understand exactly what each piece of information is telling you, without ambiguity and how it can be used.

Side BarAnother exciting change is the new side bar.  One of our aims was to ensure that many of the key reports have the same overall look and feel, making the reports easier to use. These filterable views also give you greater power to delve into the reports more deeply. The key results from the report will be displayed, but additional filters can be added in order to find more specific information. For example; The Appointments report can be filtered to show you all of the failed appointments between dates; but further filters can then be added to show whether those patients have rebooked, or from those failed appointments, how many were booked online or by particular staff members. By using combinations of the filters, a very broad range of results can be obtained.

We have updated the patient links from reports. This enables you to click on an icon which has a link to open the patient's record in a new tab - this means you can check the patient's record, close that tab and return to the report where you left it.

Following on from feedback from our customers we have also looked at new attributes and new data fields for filtering.  So for example; the new Treatment Plan report has been updated to include columns for private value, NHS UDA value, last treatment completed date and next appointment date, plus we have defined exactly what each appointment status means.  

If you would like to find out more about the exciting developments to our reporting and how Dentally ensures you can report on your dental practice smarter, simply email us


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