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Reporting:  Appointments Report

dentally-illustration_streamlined_reportWelcome to Friday series of blogs about Reporting.   This week we look at The Appointments Report.

At Dentally we understand that you want to make optimum use of your appointment book and you can use the powerful filters in the Appointments Report to help you to do this.

Using the filters you can ask complex questions of your appointment data, such as for a particular practitioner, how many online bookings were made and confirmed. 

Appointments Report

You can see the number of cancelled appointments, and their reasons.  When you understand the reasons for appointment cancellations, you can look for patterns, and take steps to reduce the amount of wasted appointment time.

You can use the filter of online appointment booking to see just how effective the app is for your practice. 

Use the dates and status filters together to find all those patients with appointments in the coming week, for example, whose status is Pending, so that you can be sure to communicate with them and confirm their appointment, to reduce gaps in your appointment book, or to use the opportunity, if they do not want their appointment,  to fill those appointment slots from your waiting lists.

Appointments Report - Date filter

Of course, as with all of the data held in Dentally, it is yours to do with as you choose, and  you can export the Appointment Report for more in depth filtering and sorting in an application of your choice. 

To learn more about reporting in Dentally, look out for more in our reporting blog series or visit our website here.

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