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Payment links now available

Payment links are now available within Dentally, to support your return to practice as you begin to see patients in person (as and when conditions allow), encouraging social distancing by limiting contact with your reception team.


To help you and your team run a contact less reception, once the dental practitioner has said goodbye to the patient and they have left the surgery - rather than a member of the staff having to have physical contact with the patient to take payment, it can now be done securely through a SMS sent straight to the patient.

You can send the payment link as soon as the patient has left the surgery or at certain times during the day as a bulk exercise, it is entirely up to you.  

As you would expect from Dentally, this new functionality is easy to set up for your practice. Firstly set up an Stripe account for the payment (or login into your existing one if you have)- which you can do in the Settings in Dentally.   For details on Stripe, click here. This provides you with a payment screen - which can be customised to include your practice logo and details.   The payment page is fully responsive and will work for whatever phone, iPad or device the patient is using.

You can then create a SMS message (remember to keep it to 160 characters) with the information you wish to include and a data tag for the secure link to your payment page.  

Once it is sent to your patient, they see a secure link that allows the patient to pay their bill by clicking on the link to your new payment page, and making a payment using a credit/debit card.  All of the relevant information, such as their name and the payment due is shown on the payment page.  Once completed, the payment will update the patient record within Dentally.

This new feature within Dentally, will limit the number of staff members the patient has to come into contact during their visit to your practice for dental care, but helps you retain a seamless patient experience.  

If you would like more details about how to set up and use payment links, then please take a look at our support article here or speak to our team for assistance, simply email

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