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NHS Scotland - Prior Approvals

Dentally is delighted to be officially approved and compliant to the NHS Practitioner Services Divisions (PSD) e-Dental Programme Phase 2 reforms for NHS Scotland. Scottish dental practitioners can be confident that they can undertake their NHS work effectively with Dentally.

Electronic prior approval (PA) for all treatment plans is the latest major milestone for the NHS NSS Practitioner Services Division’s e-dental project, the initiative for 2018 and 2019 to modernise payment and prior approval processes for dental practises in Scotland.

 The electronic service is now a mandatory requirement for all general treatment plans, and it also facilitates the submission of digital photographs and radiographs.  The team at Dentally have been working hard to ensure it was compliant to this second phase, the software was fully tested and accredited before the deadline, so that it could be effectively rolled out to all Scottish customers.

Scottish Prior-Approvals

The process for Scottish prior approvals is straightforward, the Dentally user interface will allow you to make your NHS Scotland submission using Community Health Index (CHI) numbers to identify the patient, it will show you the date of previous submissions and will show you a short questionnaire / form to complete for your treatment plan.  This is then sent off to NHS Scotland and will be returned to you with a status. For validated awaiting attachments (VAA) there will be a URL for you to click that allows you to upload attachments. Dentally will receive a daily update, to advise you as to whether more information is needed or if approval is given. Just as with the old manual system the discussion with PSD can go back and forth and Dentally will keep a record of what was said.  If you wish to change a treatment plan, then it can be unlocked and amended to be resent.

If you would like more information on the prior approvals requests and how Dentally can support you in managing this process, then please email us  Over 4,000 dental professionals are already working smarter, working remotely and working securely with Dentally, so why not visit our website to book you free demo. 

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