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New Feature: Appointment Reminder Calendar Invites

We've made a great addition to our appointment reminder emails. Now when your appointment reminder emails are sent they come with a calendar invite.

This is how it will look when your patient receives the email.


This makes it super easy for the patient to add the appointment to the calendar and receive a reminder on the day of their appointment. This will (hopefully) mean less missed appointments for your practice and a fuller book.

You don't have to change anything in settings but you may want to update the length of time the email reminder will go out before the appointment. You can do that in the Patient Communication tab in the Practice Settings.


Although small, this little update is powerful. It's cost effective (read: free) for you and once added, will send a reminder to your patient on the day of the appointment. An added value to this is that if the patient is new to the practice and not too sure of the location then they can use the invite to navigate to google maps and find your practice.

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