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How to get the most out of your dental software

Dental software is one of the largest investments in a dental practice. Cost is not the only factor as you have to invest hours into learning every feature to get the full use from the dental software.

So how do you get the maximum benefit from your dental software? Here are some common features and tips that can hack your workflow.

Planning a course of treatment

In Dentally you can plan a course of treatment with ease. Document and schedule treatment for each patient with a few simple clicks. Everything your team needs to know about a patient's treatment history is accessible by logging into the system anywhere.

Quickly being able to scan a patient's history is great for your team, and studies have shown that patients accept treatment more readily if a treatment plan is organised and well laid out. This also helps with financial queries.

Note Taking

Note taking in Dentally gives you a lot of options. Non-medical notes allow you to quickly note down things you would like to remember but might not necessarily need or want to put in their medical notes. This helps you build and maintain a relationship with your patient.

Being cloud based allows you to be very safely covered in terms of liability too.

Appointment reminders and Billing

Dentally offers plenty of automation capabilities, which frees up more time for you and your staff. We automate billing and appointments which would be our two most popular automations but there are plenty of others.

One set these automations require very little human interaction. This saves hours of time (and money!) each month, no need to send costly postcards or letters.


The appointment book allows you to see at a glance what your working day looks like. It helps you provide better assistance to your patients and run smoothly throughout the day. It can be colour coded to your preference if needed.

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An open laptop with teeth charting in Dentally, the dental software, on the screen.

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