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Essential reporting

Reports in any business are essential. They enable you to plan and make strategic decisions; produce data to make and justify decisions; follow up and track certain aspects; develop financial forecasts; create marketing plans and ensure the business is ultimately successful.  Reporting is not just about the collection of data, but being able to use and communicate information to provide business intelligence.

Real time reporting

We appreciate that for dental practitioners time is a precious commodity and taking time out from day to day tasks to take a step back from a business to review performance or simply be able to optimise your time or that of your practice manager each day means that you don’t need to be drowning in overwhelming analytics or bogged down waiting for reports that become out of date the moment you run them!Why Dentally - Lightening fast reporting

Cloud-based software like Dentally means that you can run a report instantly and, importantly, in real time - whether you need a quick snapshot or are looking for more valuable in-depth insights into areas of the practice.

Informed decisions

Accurate and intuitive practice statistics that are easy to digest to make informed decisions with easy to visualise and understand insights.  At Dentally we understand how important smarter reporting is, so we deliver accurate practitioner activity, chair usage, patient treatments, reports and recalls, NHS UDA’s, invoices, patients accounts and much more in a flash.  This means you can take action immediately, whether it is exporting contact details into a mailing list or producing a spreadsheet to assess further.

Reporting with Dentally can help you manage your finances, understand your patients demographics, explore appointment trends and track treatment completion and practitioner activity.  All critical elements in ensuring your dental practice can go that extra mile are there - optimising staff time, enhancing marketing, improving patient care and tracking your practice expenditure.  

Tailored to you

Importantly, the reports in Dentally can be set for your specific practice needs - because we know that each dental practice is unique.  So, not only can you and your team set up favourites to access key reports and information quickly, but you can also set up the filtering and segmentation to work how you want it to.   This is done by the user and stops endless scrolling to get to the report quickly - so reports are at you and your team’s finger tips. Our side bar search provides filterable views which offer greater power to delve more deeply and display specific information as needed.  A combination of filters allows for a broad range of results from an extensive selection of attributes. Plus, if you wish to view a patient’s record that may be included in a report, then you simply click on the link and open the record in a new tab.

If you would like to know more about reporting with Dentally, email us 

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An open laptop with teeth charting in Dentally, the dental software, on the screen.

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