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Charting BPE and BEWE

At Dentally we know how important  assessment of the periodontal tissues is in patient management. The BPE and BEWE  are simple and rapid screening tools to enable practitioners to give the best treatment for each patient. 


When a patient needs a BPE exam, Dentally shows this on their charting screen with a big red dot on the BPE tab. 

Recording the BPE is simple. For each of the segments, record a number between 0 and 4. Dentally allows you to  use a simple shortcut to record bleeding and furcation on the same chart as the assessment; simply press B for Bleeding and F for Furcation. 


BEWEs are often recorded at the same time as BPEs so in Dentally we've added a BEWE tab to the BPE examination making it easy to record them together.   Each BEWE assessment is scored on a simple chart. You can see at a glance when a BEWE and BPE were last recorded. This helps you to keep track of your patients’ oral health pre and post treatment.

To learn more about the clinical aspects of Dentally, take a look at our website today, here.

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