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Bulk Cancelling Appointments

We are aware that in the current circumstances with Covid-19, that some dental practices may need to cancel patient appointments in bulk or contact patients with appointments booked to inform them of changes in circumstances or to send advice regarding the situation at your practice.

We just wanted to let you know the best methods to use Dentally to help you achieve this and how to help reduce the admin time that would otherwise be involved in this task.

In Dentally, the best method of amending multiple appointments in the calendar is to use the 'Bulk Edit' option, when using the calendar in 'List View'.

To learn more take a look at our detailed support article here which explains the process of how to take a group of appointments and update the status.   For example; 'cancelled' and how to communicate with the patients.

If you have any queries on this feature and how to use it, please do contact our remote based support team, who are here, as always to help. Email us 

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