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An overview of Charting in Dentally

Dentally Chart including treatment planDentally makes charting as easy as possible, allowing you to chart treatment in a way that works for you. You choose the dentition you wish to see, the treatments you use most frequently, easy access to treatment notes, and complete and charge treatment from one screen.

Charting your way

Dentally allows you to chart in a way that suits you, working the way you like to work, to best suit your needs.

Dentally hover chart optionsDentally puts your most frequently used treatments at your fingertips. Our intelligent hover charting learns your preferences or, if you prefer, create a favourite treatment list enabling you to select most-used treatments quickly and easily, organised the way you like them.

While you usually chart treatment onto the treatment lines, if a patient comes to you who has had treatment elsewhere, you can chart that treatment directly onto the base chart. This way you will know, at a glance, the historical work, and the current treatment.

At a glance, easy to access

We know how busy surgeries can be and we have designed charting to be as flexible as you need. Our locked charting keeps the notation on the screen at all times, until you need to disable it and use the screen space for making detailed treatment notes. 

Our treatment plans break down into appointments so that you can plan the course of treatment, create estimates and talk to the patients about your plans for their oral health from the same screen. 

As you complete treatment, it is saved onto the base chart, so that when patients come into surgery, you can see, at a glance, what treatment has been completed and what is required, saving you time going over old notes, allowing you time to deliver the best patient care. 

Everything you need from one tab

As charting and treatments are naturally linked, with Dentally you can see everything from the chart tab.

All of your treatment notes are available from the chart screen, from the one you are working on currently, to historical treatment. You can access and chart BPE and BEWE from here, see patient’s images and x-rays and any their ortho dental assessments.

You can also submit any NHS claims from this screen.

If you want to talk to us more about charting in Dentally,  email us at



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An open laptop with teeth charting in Dentally, the dental software, on the screen.

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