As you will know, Dentally is constantly working to ensure that our cloud-enabled practice management software benefits not only the practice itself but the teams that hold it together too. That is why over the last few months, we have focussed on highlighting the ways our tool kit can be utilised by every member of your team, from receptionists to practice managers and this month we look at the clinical elements of the software.
Practitioners priority is on providing all-important patient care and ensuring that everyone who attends the practice feels safe and in good hands, increasing their chances of repeat appointments. Ensuring that clinicians have the best practice management software at their hands will help make their job easier, thus improving the standard of care they can deliver.
Perio, BPE and BEWE are terms your practitioners will be familiar with, and at Dentally, we have worked hard to ensure that we have simplified the process to complete all three - taking the stress out of everyday practice life once more.
Perio exam 
Dentally always strives to be as flexible as the dental practices we help. One of the many ways we do this is by making accessing and charting six-pocket perio exams easy and efficient by making sure the most recent is on display automatically and the previous exam history is quickly available with a note of which clinician recorded it. New exams can be quickly started from scratch or by cloning a previous to carry on with previously recorded results.
Clinicians can quickly record the pocket depth and recession - taking note of extra information for bleeding, suppuration and identifying the three different grades of mobility and furcation via single keystrokes is easy too - automatically jumping to each site on the teeth. When charting bleeding and plaque, the process is easy - Dentally calculates the percentages straight away - meaning your practitioner doesn’t have to worry and can instead focus on providing the best patient care. Learn more about Perio charting here.
Our focus on agility and ease of use transcends to our Basic Periodontal Examination (BPE) processes. Recording a BPE from the chart screen is incredibly easy, and an indicator will highlight if the patient in focus is due to have a BPE. After this, the clinician can instantly set a recall interval for the next exam - helping to keep practice chairs busy, patients safe and healthy, and the practice a success.
Recording bleeding and furcation can be carried out efficiently as the practitioner creates a new BPE using the score grid provided within Dentally. If access to previous BPE results is required they are clearly presented and easy to read so time spent in surgery is optimised and the patient in the chair feels at ease. Read more about BPEs in our support doc here.
Dentally understands the importance of innovation and practicality - that's why we have made it easy to record a Basic Erosive Wear Examination (BEWE) within our practice management software.
BEWEs are undertaken at the same time as BPEs for this reason, we have made the recording of both at the same time simple. The results of both examinations, once saved, can be located within the two tabs under the BPE or BEWE section. If only one set of results has been entered, then only the relevant results tab will show.
Like a BPE, BEWEs require six readings by the practitioner of the patient's mouth - each must be recorded on a scale of 0-3. To optimise Dentally further, we have made it impossible to enter any digits other than 0, 1, 2 or 3 - increasing both accuracy and efficiency. Discover more about BEWE recording here.
With Dentally, your practice can achieve so much from better workflows, easy to understand charting, and so much more - our cloud-enabled software helps you optimise time, save money and leverage the power of the cloud.
Be confident that your clinicians have the correct tools in place to provide the best possible patient care and fully utilise all of Dentally’s easy to use tools to streamline your practice. Speak to our team now at to find out more.