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Third Party Integrations

Private Practice

Patient Portal

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Summer School: Calendar

Dentally Appointment booking allows the patient journey to be fast and fluid, with all departments working in harmony, ensuring a seamless experience for patients and staff.

The appointment book is the central hub of any practice - it tells you who, what, when and where patients and practitioners are going to be. Ease of use is at the forefront of all that we do and our  calendar can help you to make sense of your practice. 

In this continuing series looking at how Dentally helps and supports your practice, it’s difficult to pick only three functions of the Calendar. We hope you agree these are the top three features, but do let us know if you have other favourites!

1 At a glance details

With one quick look, you can see appointment bookings and gaps - which means you can call patients from your waiting lists and fill them

You can see the appointment status - which means that you can see who hasn’t yet confirmed their appointment so you can contact them and ensure they’re going to attend, or rearrange their appointment.  It’s amazing the impact that a personal phone call can have.

With one click, you can see both patient details and appointment details - which means that if you need to contact the patient you have all the details you need right there in front of you, on one screen.

2 Views to suit you

Single-day - allows you to see your appointments for one day. Perfect for Reception booking in and checking attendance/ appointment status

Multiple days - allows you to quickly find gaps and make appointments to suit patients’ busy lives. 

List view - allows you to see patients for the day - if you need to quickly cancel a practitioner’s appointments for the day, you can send correspondence to all patients from this screen, saving you time and preventing frustrated patients turning up and being turned away.

If you have created Sessions, you can quickly see the appropriate slots to use to book patients into. This ensures that you keep control of your appointments and fill practitioner’s day with the right type of appointments.  Find out more about Appointment Sessions here. 

3 Time-saving features

We know how busy a reception can become and we have two features that can help here.

Book an appointment from the clipboard - if you have been into a patient’s record and sorted out their account and now you need to book an appointment, you can do this from the appointment book directly, using the clipboard. The Clipboard cleverly remembers the last patient whose record you were dealing with and allows you to select them  - see our support document here.

The  Day list - sometimes on a busy Reception desk, there are more people than available computers. And sometimes it is just quicker and easier to mark patients as arrived on a printed list. So from the Appointment book, you can print off a day list. For step by step on how to print your day list take a look at our support document here.

Dentally offers you flexibility and ease of use - we understand how busy you can be and we offer you simple features to help make your daily practice simpler and smoother.  

To find out more about any of these features, or to chat about how Dentally can help you become more efficient, talk to our support staff at